Tuesday, January 24, 2012

music to help stare at the ground..



  1. i did listen to this. in case you wondered.
    thank god january is almost over.

    1. i love this music. oh god this month's been orrid Susan.. are you glad to be home?

  2. Psychobitch ex-wife nearly unhinged both of us, but we survived. Yes. Glad to be home.

  3. oh god.. it's weird isn't it being around the ex? it's over! yippeee!

  4. I love this piece...... I used to work in a wine bar many many.....many..... years ago and I would put a tape of it on the stereo...yes that long ago....very loudly......I got the sack!!

    I don't know where you stand on meds and the like but something that has helped me enourmously with loss even after so many years, was seeing a homeopathic doctor ...... I didn't go for grief I went for depression but he gave me something for deep rooted grief and the last 6 years my mental state has got better and better!!

  5. what a beautiful piece....
    so glad you shared it, i have never heard it before!

    days are filled with more daylight and birdsong here,
    glad we are heading towards spring.

    thinking about you often,

  6. Y at H that gave me a laugh.. Barber got you the sack! Brilliant. Thanks for this.. I'll keep it in mind.

    Right now I've the old TMJ to deal with first, getting worse and worse.. last night my jaw cracked as I went to put a fork of food in my mouth. Ouch! Funny but I was looking at homeopathy stuff in Wholefoods yesterday..

  7. Hi V,

    I'm so glad you have heard it..isn't it stunning? Lovely to think of you with the birds and the light in Norway. Hope you are doing OK glad you have your music.

