Monday, January 30, 2012

Do it perfectly..

Yesterday after telling my dad that I'm in pain again because of this orrid TMJ he said what he always says, "Oh no not again! My daughters are supposed to be perfect!" Perhaps that's where this drive comes from to grieve perfectly, to do everything perfectly. This week I was saying to a woman, "But I can't accept this, I can't! I've read the books and the stages they describe and they all say you have to come to a place of acceptance. That there is denial, and anger and bargaining and depression and then acceptance, well I'm sorry but I can't do it perfectly. I can't accept it,"

She said, "Well maybe you don't have to accept it and maybe you can throw out all those terms, maybe you will never accept it." I was about to start talking on and on again when I did a kind of delayed double take.

The books don't say that. Maybe I'll throw the books out as well and stop searching for the perfect way to do it.


  1. yes. throw them out. srsly.
    write your own.
    one sentence a day.
    or one word.


    1. exactly..all modern therapeutic language thrown in the bin! :)

  2. Ditch the books. Let the grief come as it may.

  3. Nice picture and yes, yes, yes to what you are saying!

  4. Nik.. what a nice gift you are today. thanks so much. I'm so happy that you like my bog welcome!
